Friday, October 8, 2010

Tabletop Tales: End of the Greek Gods...Rise of the Runes

This is why you never give Pete an inch.

He ALWAYS takes a mile.

You'll need some backstory for this incident to be properly explained.

Pete and Mike, two friends that I game with, have been gaming with each other a LOT longer than they've known me, to put it mildly. Those two, with other past players of course, have been through many different games and sessions with each other. Because of this, Pete has plenty of history in the world that Mike set his Greek gods game. So much history, actually, that he was able to summon the dead spirit of one of his former incarnations and take that incarnation's memories.

Now, you probably don't initially understand why this is bad. I'll explain.

Mike designed the Greek god game to be for characters of 5-7th level (or the equivalent of it in that gaming system). Initially, we all WERE 5-7th level equivalent characters when we obtained our god-powers. Pete, however, absorbing the memories of past incarnation, acquired most of the skills and abilities OF his incarnation, which essentially jumped him from a 5-7th level character to a 20th level character.

Another session or two with Mike and Pete had the entire problem we were facing fixed.


I don't begrudge Pete for this. It was ingenious. I was just having fun and wish the game hadn't had to end so quickly and abruptly.

BUT! There IS light at the end of this tunnel. Mike has planned a NEW game that we will be starting tonight. This time, to choose our powers, we have to choose one of the 24 Elder Futhark Runes and whichever we choose will determine what powers we receive.

Mike has also assured me that Pete won't be able to pull a stunt like this again, so the game should last longer than two months.

Haha, I have faith in Mike's abilities, but Pete is crafty. Only time will tell, I suppose.

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