Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Personal Projects: Death Ray Part 2

All right!

The guts, lights, and sounds for my death ray have finally arrived!

Upon inspecting what I have to work with, I've decided it best to remove the back of the lamp's base, seen here:

 In addition to this, I've found that the bottom of the actual lamp takes up too much room and, through strenuous and careful work, have removed it. The rest of the lamp is intact, thankfully, and I'm working on slowly and diligently sanding down the sharp edges.

Now, here's where the fun begins. I've ordered several "alien" guns from a manufacturer. Upon opening one, I've found the wiring and circuity not terribly difficult to work with. It'll require careful adapting of the trigger mechanism and power supply area into whatever I choose to turn into the death ray's body, but if I can leap that hurtle, than the rest should be cake.

 Also, I've ordered several of these battery-powered necklaces that I plan to glue to the outside of the glass lamp in some fancy 50-ish death ray fashion. I'm still debating on whether to cut the necklaces open and remove their lights and wiring or just leave them as-is. I'm also debating on whether I should place them straight down the barrel or wrap one around the barrel in a nifty spiral pattern.

 The idea I'm having to get the motorized spinning light portions of the guns into the base of the lamp is to use some sort of packing foam, shaped to fit inside the base, and secure the motor and light within it. Or possibly a piece of wood, which might work better.

So much to try and so little time!

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