Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Fight Back Against Internet Censorship!

Not a pretty sight, is it?

Currently, the government is trying to pass two bills, SOPA and PIPA, in an attempt to fight against online piracy. However, both bills present a threat to the free and open Internet that we have all come to love and enjoy.

I, honestly, can't explain the details behind these bills and how they endanger everything. However, plenty of sites are currently participating in a Net-wide "blackout" in protest. Their sites now link to various explanations and encouragements to contact your local congressman/representative about SOPA.

A few of them are linked here:


And that's only a small fraction. For a full list of sites that are blacking out, and for more information on the bills and how you can fight them, visit SOPAstrike

We can make a difference! Fight back against Internet censorship!