Tuesday, May 29, 2012

An Evening's Observations: A Followup

Apparently, people actually DO read my blog posts. This includes some of those mentioned in "An Evening's Observations". One felt inclined to confront me about my opinions. I'm sure he won't appreciate this as much as what I had to say to him concerning my post, but I want everyone to see that I can back up and defend my feelings as much, if not more, than the next guy.

His name and any accompanying names of anyone mentioned have been removed, as will be certain personal facts that shouldn't be shared openly. This won't stop certain people from knowing who they are, but I'll do my best.

Here follows the exchange, unedited (I rearranged the order slightly for clarity's sake):

Him: well, this "bipolar, depressed jackass who can't garner any attention from the ladies" (psst, by the way, I get plenty of attention, just not from the ones I want) doesn't want the advice of someone who has just as much, if not less, luck than I do. You can't even begin to fathom what I'm going through, as you don't feel shit compared to me (or ((NAME REMOVED)) for that matter). Because, oh yes, me fucking breaking down, by myself, where no one can see me, is definitely me trying to get attention.
Me:  *sigh* did you not read the disclaimer about it being my opinion and not meant to point fingers? I'm sorry it upset you but thats how I felt
Him:  how does that make it better? seriously? you think a "disclaimer" about opinions means shit to anyone?
Me:  clearly not. look man, I have these opinions for a reason. I respect and love all of my friends, yourself included, but I hate to see my friends act a certain way because I have an outside perspective of how it looks, and, at times, it looks stupid. I should know, Ive done stuff/still do stuff that looks stupid to people viewing from the outside. ((NAME REMOVED)) was acting like a complete tool last night and I was pissed at him for it
Him:  heh, I'm not even sure "upset" would be a good term for what I am right now, all I know is I'm smiling, or rather, grinning. Yeah, and you flirt with anything that has a vagina, hence why I don't consider you a good person to take advice from
Me:  right. because Ive slept with so many girls the past several months. let me tell you a little something about how I deal with women since you seem completely oblivious to how I work. I want a girlfriend. one girl. not many. just one. but I havent had much luck finding the right one. however, I see no issues with casually enjoying myself with women that wish to do the same with me as long as everything is open and honest concerning what we're doing, why we're doing it, etc. which is what I do. and I do so. and will continue to do so until I meet a girl that I feel for romantically and feels the same for me
Him:  so how exactly was I oblivious to that, when it simply proved my point? and I already knew all of that
Me:  furthermore, there are plenty of women that I have no intention of ever sleeping with for a variety of reasons. just because Im out-going and talkative doesnt mean Im flirting ((NAME REMOVED)). though I can understand you mistaking the two
Him:  oh, no, I know the difference
Me: clearly not. but thats neither here nor there
Him:  you clearly underestimate me. and that's really fucking stupid. I've been underestimating myself
Me:  I havent resorted to name calling in this conversation ((NAME REMOVED)), please dont do it. and, no, I dont underestimate you. I believe from the very beginning Ive been trying to tell you how good of a guy you are and how much better of a guy you will be once you got over your ((REMOVED)). look, you dont like me. I get it. its fine. Im used to not being liked. the point Im making is that Ill be here for you regardless if you like me or not to talk if you ever need it. Im just not going to pull teeth for you to tell me whats wrong. if you want to tell me, you will. if not, you wont. I think some of your facebook posts a bit over-dramatic. and tend to tip back and forth rather quickly. as does your mood
Him:  Well no shit sherlock
Me:  thus the opinions I made in my blog. but, again, those are just my opinions concerning a friends behavior that I witnessed. if you dont want to be my friend anymore, thats fine too. Ill still keep your number so you can talk to me if you need to
Him: and once again, you have no idea what I'm really going through
Me:  because you dont talk to me, man. I asked if you wanted to, I put myself out there so you could share, and you said no. so dont get mad at me for not knowing. because you only have yourself to blame for that
Him:  oh no no no. you don't understand what I meant. I've already said shit about the rapid and chaotic changes that I'm going through on every level
Me: uh huh
Him:  what I'm saying, is you could never truly fathom them. you're not at all a metaphysical person.
Me:  ah I see. well that still doesnt mean you cant tell me. youre right in that I dont believe, but that doesnt mean I cant understand to a certain extent. sure, some things Ill probably not grasp
Him:  I've mentioned shit before. ((REMOVED)), remember?
Me: yes, this Im aware of
Him:  that pretty sums it up, it's pretty fucking extreme. I'm constantly feeling like a nuclear reactor about to go into a meltdown status
Me:  well I cant pretend to act like I know what it feels like, but you already know about my outside perspective opinion of its effects on you. so I accept the fact that you are going through a metaphysical thing that I dont understand, but my opinion remains the same in how it appears externally.  in short, I respect the changes youre going through, but in the end, anyone that doesnt understand whats going on with you, myself included, will just see you acting like a bipolar crazy-person and I dont want people to get the wrong idea about you. My opinions were, again, an outside perspective of your emotions and behavior and now that youre aware of that, I hope youll understand why my opinion was what it was. Again, Ill be here for you, whether you like me or not, want me as a friend or not

He didn't respond after that. I'm uncertain whether this is because he had no returning argument, had to leave for some reason, didn't care to continue, or whatever else.

I'm not posting this to be an asshole and share someone else's personal issues. Quite the contrary, I'm doing this to show that I'm NOT trying to be an asshole, but rather make my opinions based on observation and do so, partially, out of irritation derived from concern.

Again, he'll hate me for this, but I'm sure he does already.

Such is the nature of being me, I suppose.

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