Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Television Limbo: Ways to Break the Between-Seasons Lull

And we've come to that point again in the year when most of my favorite television programs have ended and I have to endure a loooooong summer of having (mostly) nothing to watch.

Allow me to explain.

I don't watch a lot of television anymore. When I was a young boy of the Stupid Age, I was glued to the TV most times. I don't remember much of what I viewed, but I loved the idiot box like any child of my age would. As I grew older, however, the inevitable happened. My tastes refined, my cynicism grew, the programming degraded, and eventually I stopped using a television altogether.

No no, these days I just watch or retrieve the new episodes of whatever few shows I watch right off the internet. Honestly, I watch less than 10 shows that are currently still running and producing new episodes:
  • Doctor Who
  • Glee
  • Community
  • Leverage
  • Dexter
  • Metalocalypse
  • The Venture Brothers
 That's IT. I've been considering adding the new Game of Thrones series to my collection, but I haven't decided. So, even with the Games of Thrones series, that is only eight programs.


Out of the countless programs that air on television, I only deem eight shows worthy of watching. I'm not trying to be a snob, come across as a snob, seem like a snob, but have all of you SEEN what's on television these days? It's pretty bad.

However, as any watcher of television that is more diligent than I can tell you, there comes a time every year when shows end for the season and there's a lull in programming. The sad truth is that that time has come for me. The only program that is currently continuing to air new episodes is Doctor Who. Now, while that is a worthy enough show by itself, one episode a week does not tide the writer/geek over enough.

So, this is a small list of things one can do to pass the time until the next season of your favorite shows begins:

#5 - Do Something Artistic

Do you think that that one scene from that one season from that one show you watch could have been done better? Think the storyarc of your favorite crime drama series was written by a bunch of drunk chimps huffing paint? Was the design of that one set/costume/whatever just terrible?

Well, try and do better! During this down time, pick up a pencil, pen, camera, camcorder, SOMETHING artistic and creative and see what you can do with it! It doesn't have to be Oscar-winning or the next Louvre masterpiece but dammit at least you're exercising that portion of your brain that you let rot over the last several months.

#4 - Go Fucking Outside

I can just hear all eight people that read my blog simultaneously laughing at this cliched suggestion.

Hear me out.

I'm not trying to call all of you overweight slobs that would prefer the comfort of your filtered light and ass-printed couch cushion (though some of you may be). No no...I'm merely saying that beyond your front door is a world full of exciting and affordable (sometimes free) things to do!

Go to a zoo! Go driving/walking around and go into any store/establishment that peaks your interest! Go ride a bike! Go walking in a park! Go to a local festival of some sort! Just do SOMETHING!

So many things go on around us that we ignore or miss out on because we spend more of our days indoors doing...whatever. It wouldn't hurt you (or me, at times) to get out there and see some of those things.

#3 - Make a New Friend

This one should be pretty obvious, but whatever. Sometimes we get into such a routine. Hanging out with the same people, doing the same things, going to the same places, that we never interact with anyone beyond our normal circles of friends.

This isn't healthy for a number of scientific reasons that I can't be bothered to share with all of you right now, but suffice it to say it's bad for you. That's why I encourage everyone to, once in a while, try to make a new friend. That guy you see every week at the bar but never talk to? That girl who always serves you coffee in the morning? Talk to them! You never know what interests you might share and what kind of friendship could be kindled by simply saying "hello".

#2 - Try a New Activity

This somewhat goes hand-in-hand with #4 and #3, but I believe it deserves it's own category for a few reasons. First, like #4, it involves going out and doing something. However, I'm encouraging you to find a new hobby or activity (like a sport, for example) and trying it out. You may not like it but, hell, you won't know until you try, right?

Second, like #3, it will break up the monotony of the routine we get ourselves into. You may not be tired of playing poker on Saturdays, but have you tried playing trivia in a new bar on Wednesdays? You may have your weekly game of baseball on Thursdays, but have you ever played in a weekly RPG?

Honestly, my opinion is that if you can't bring yourself to try anything new because you're so SURE that you won't like it without even giving it a chance, you're too close-minded to be reading my blog and need to leave immediately.

Seriously. Leave.

#1 - Read a Fucking Book

What's that? You miss your favorite television programs? And you hate human contact and going outside? Why, I have the solution for you, my friend! It's called....

A book!!

That's right, just like watching television, only better, a book provides you with an informative and/or narrative piece of literature that can entertain you for hours/days/weeks/whatever. The best part about this wonderful invention? You don't have to leave home to do it, there are no commercials, you can stop wherever you like and come right back to that place, and, best of all, there are literally millions upon millions of books in existence so you can rest assured that there's something out there for you.

Another great thing about reading a book is that it will stimulate that thing in your skull that is probably starving for exercise...y'know, your brain.

Just give it a try.

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