Sunday, March 6, 2011

Tabletop Tales: My Necromancer Girlfriend! finally happened.

My Amber group (specifically GM Pete and Mikey) convinced my girlfriend to join the game. I was encouraging this to happen, of course, because I knew she would have a good time, but I didn't expect any of what followed.

Oh no, faithful readers...what followed was pure ridiculousness.

Let's start off by explaining the powers in the Amber universe...

*ahem* Within the Amber universe (or Pete's version for the sake of clarity), there exist 13 (possibly 15) Great Race powers that govern the balance and nature of the multiverse in its entirety. Eight of the thirteen powers are dichotomous of each other. Four of the remaining five are different branches of a single "power" and the very last power is standalone.

Okay! Let's begin!
  • Amberite - a person with the Amberite power has the ability to travel through Shadow (different worlds...think Sliders), alter probability, and other cool things. 
  • Warlock - the Warlock power utilizes one of the four (possibly six) elements.
    • Air
    • Water
    • Earth
    • Fire
  • Shaper - the shapeshifting beings that work through cooperation amongst the creatures and ecosystem
  • Monster - the shapeshifting beings that work through domination of other living things and spirits
  • Loremaster - the master of all knowledge currently present in a world
  • Doomgazer - the master of' all dead knowledge in a world
  • Artificer - a master craftsman of trumps and amazing magical items
  • Breaker - master destroyer of magical items and...pretty much anything else
  • Mage - utilizing spirits and spells for various effects
  • Necromancer - utilizing death and the dead for spells and various effects
WHEW! Okay...that's all of the known powers within Pete's Amber game. Those were basic descriptions of each, meaning that all of them have much more in-depth descriptions, but we'll save that for another time. I keep mentioning two more unnamed powers because several of us theorize that the Warlock power also extends to include a Light' Warlock and a Darkness Warlock. But, we have no evidence of this...yet.

Anyway, the guys finally convince Julia to join the game. The amusing thing was that I was away talking to some other folks when they accomplished this feat, so I didn't get to hear what happened. What DID happen was the following:

Me - *comes back to the gaming circle* "Hey guys, what happened?"
Mikey - "Julia's joining the game."
Me - "Really?? That's great! Finally! What's she playing?"
Mikey - "A necromancer."
Me - "....what?"

It's true, loyal readers, that my girlfriend willingly CHOSE to be a horrible death spellcaster. Why? Because, and I quote this from Mikey, she thought it would be "fun". I'm not sure whether to be horrified or horribly aroused by this.

Anyway, Pete finishes his sidebar with Julia and brings her back, introducing the party to her, in-game. She suddenly appears, being spat out by a horrible, gaping maw of hell and screaming. Necromancer? Naaah...couldn't be.

The amusing thing is that WE, the in-game versions of ourselves (we're playing ourselves if you haven't read any of my previous entries), don't know who she is. She, however, knows who WE are. How is this possible? Well, take a look at this...

[ ]

This box represents the point in and out of game that I started playing the game. What happens from this point is this...
[ ]

The solid line represents the time line from my characters perspective. In that timeline, I had left my old life on Earth behind to become a Shaper. The dotted line represents the real life timeline where I continue to play games, go to work, etc.
[ ]
 ---------------( )-------

Now, the circle on the real life timeline represents the period where I met and started dating my girlfriend, Julia. The issue is that in the Amber game timeline, I NEVER MET HER. So, as I stated earlier, she remembers ME and us dating, but I, and everyone else in the party, don't know her.

So what horrible solution to this does Pete concoct? Simple, to obtain her terrible necromancy powers, she sees her world's version of me get run over and is offered the power to "save me". She agrees, becomes a necromancer, takes possession of the spirit of that world's me, and shows up where we are. And then she's coaxed by powers unseen to GIVE me, the horrible spirit devouring Monster, the spirit to eat without knowing what it is.

So I eat it. Obviously.

And, wouldn't you know it, the entire real life timeline and Amber timeline merge into my head as two separate, but equally normal-feeling, sets of memories.

Sometimes Pete is a right bastard, y'know?

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