Sunday, March 6, 2011

Tabletop Tales: Monastic Order Project!

I'm actually pretty proud of this one.

Normally, this sort of elaborate and in-depth work is left to guys like Mikey and Pete who literally design entire games around this sorta shit. But it was my turn to give it a shot.

Not create a game, mind you. Oh no no that would be far too tough for me to attempt at this time. No no, I worked to create a philosophic belief system to be the foundation for a monastic order of monks I was attempting to establish in Mikey's Friday night Amber game.

Wait wait...I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's back up.

I don't recall if I'd mentioned Mikey's game previously in my blog or not, but a quick recap. Mikey started his own mini Amber game with Wes, myself, Pete, and later on my girlfriend Julia just for funsies. We all had such a good time that we made it a weekly thing. Within the game, we got cool powers from Brand of Amber (go look it up, you lazy bastards), and went about on our merry adventures. The adventures eventually led us to set up shop in the Dragonlance world of Krynn.

While in Krynn, we got to bear witness to the apocalyptic backlash of the gods upon the world because of everyone's arrogance, and we're left to help humanity build itself back up for the huge resurgence of evil that we're told will be coming in a few hundred years.

No big deal, right?

Anyway, one of our plans to help humanity is to introduce the idea of unarmed combat and self-reliance and introspection to the people. Essentially, we're introducing what a "monk" is to a bunch of people who have no concept of "monk".

With this in mind, I craft THIS:

It's difficult to see, I know, but I literally crafted that design and the accompanying 12 point virtue/bane system from scratch in Microsoft Word. Damn thing took me hours to make, but it all paid off when I impressed Pete, Mikey, Wes, Julia, anyone else I showed.

And the design isn't just for show either! Oh no, the way it's shaped correlates to how everything relates to each other. It would take FAR to long to explain everything here, especially without a readable version of the design available, but simply put:

I have my awesome moments. And this was one!

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