Friday, November 26, 2010

Green Lantern Movie Trailer

Green Lantern trailer
Well there it is, folks. The much anticipated Green Lantern movie. I've, personally, been waiting for this movie for a long time and now it's almost upon us.

I have a few thoughts, however, on the trailer and what it's telling us.

Clearly, it seems Ryan Reynolds is portraying a much looser and carefree Hal Jordan than what's been presented in the comic books. Honestly, I assume the movie producers/directors/writers/whoevers did this because they felt a carefree Hal Jordan would be much more entertaining to watch than the clean-cut Boy Scout Hal Jordan we all know.

I can't say I agree with this, but I'm willing to give it a shot and see if it works.

The CG looks pretty all right. I can't say it's the most spectacular CG I've seen (literally everything in outer space, including the people, is CG), but again, trailers are usually created before last minute cleaning up so maybe it'll look nicer in the actual film.

Otherwise, I have to say that this movie looks AMAZING. I can't wait to see one of my top five superheroes finally on the big screen!

And speaking of my top five superheroes on the big screen, the Deadpool movie trailer should be coming out soon, so whenever that rears its ugly, cancerous head, I'll get back to you guys about my thoughts.

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